10/2/23 Meeting Agenda
6:30 pm Zoom
This meeting will not be opened up to our general members. It will just be the L4P organizational team.
6:30 - 7:00 pm - L4P Organizational sustainability
We will discuss L4P’s organizational sustainability; the first of multiple conversations on this
matter. We’ve accomplished a tremendous amount and we should celebrate the important
influence and impact we’ve had on the city and community of Laurel. However, the current
model is unsustainable and we need to adapt. Please come prepared to discuss a more
modest and streamlined L4P going forward.
7:00 - 7:30 pm - Project and event updates and opportunities
Sturgis Moore Mural - Cheryl
Riverfront conservation landscaping and maintenance - Dave
Monarch conservation - Mike
Pollinator garden maintenance - Jimmy
Pollinator Festival reschedule - Liz
Bee lab plant distribution - Brian
L4P party - Jess
10/2/23 Meeting Minutes
The October monthly meeting was open only to the L4P organizational team. General members were not invited to participate. The primary purpose of the meeting was to discuss the sustainability of the organization.
The conversation went as follows -
Jess presented that the current level of activity of L4P is not sustainable with our current level of volunteers. She and Brian suggested four possibilities as to how to move forward.
We cease to exist as L4P.
We continue to be an informal network but not as an organization.
We become very discriminating about which projects we take on and have less meetings
We work to support the Patuxent Wildlife Refuge and work on projects in conjunction with other groups.
Mike suggested that we focus more on advocacy with the city, county and state governments. He stated that we often receive information after the fact from our elected officials and that we need to force a seat at the table for ourselves.
Jimmy would like to see more of our Laurel citizens be active with the Environmental Affairs Committee. He also suggests that we take advantage of the popularity of native gardening to gain volunteers.
Scott felt that we need to decentralize and eliminate events that require a lot of support
Heidi suggested that we focus on one project per quarter, and that we include education and advocacy as possible projects.
Stosh wants to prioritize protecting the river and getting rid of trash.
Mike commented that he’d like to see two focuses - one to focus on advocacy at the government level and one to do hands-on projects.
Jimmy said that there need to be “outsiders” to push the city government to work on environmental projects. He wondered if we need to have two organizations.
Brian indicated that the leadership piece is extremely time-consuming. Who oversees all this work?
Jimmy suggested that we have a rank choice voting system to figure out our scope. We also need a board of directors.
Scott said that the city needs to be more involved. He pointed to the green team that Bowie has and suggested that Laurel needs something like that.
Jess said that folks should let her know if they’re interested in participating in a leadership position.
*”Project and event updates” was also on the agenda but the discussion of our organizational sustainability took the entire meeting time so that discussion was postponed until November’s meeting.
*After the meeting, a group of organization members agreed to meet to brainstorm ways in which we can continue as an organization but have less demand on L4P leaders.