Litter Brigade
Litter can feel an endless scourge. A vast amount of litter gets washed into storm drains, then into rivers, lakes and oceans. In addition to the stomach churning floatable litter we observe on our shorelines, more than twice that amount goes unseen because it sinks below the surface. As a result, many animals die, water becomes unsafe and our dignity is degraded. Laurel for the Patuxent organizes regular litter clean up events to take direct action against pollution and to communicate the importance of being responsible stewards. These events help change behaviors across our city and our watershed by highlighting, through action, that our communities care about clean, healthy and attractive neighborhoods and environments. Some may say that a clean up event doesn’t make much of a dent, but we know that across Maryland and all over the world there are millions of people working collectively to clean up millions of pounds of trash, and amplifying the message that we care about the Earth and respect each other. Learn more at Keep America Beautiful